symbian hack step 1:
At first we know what is hacking ?
Hacking is unauthorized use of computer and network resources.
When you install any new application on your symbian phone sometime you see a massage “certificate error contact the application supplier !”, "Expired Certificate Error"
If you get certificate error message when attempting to install 3rd party application on your S60 3rd Edition phone.It means that you have not enable to installation of unsigned SIS files. Now you go on your mobile Tools >> Settings >>Applications >> App.manager and set Software installation to All, and to Off "Online certif. check". Then install application.
If not work, you need to hack your phone Rom. Now question how to hack ?
At first Download symbian hack step file
1. Connect your phone with PC
2. Select Mass storage mode * Or connect your memory card with PC.
3. Extract, and copy “Private Folder” and past direct on your memory card, if want overwrite , yes.
4. Then “drweb-600-symbian-s60.sis”soft install your Phone.
5. Open drweb application.
6. Go option >> Quarantine.
7. Go option >> selecet all.
8. Go option >> Restore.
9. Install “RomPatcherPlus_3.1_LiteVersion.sisx” soft on your phone.
10. Open RomPatcherPlus application and go, option>>All Patches>>Apply
You can also press Options, then select Add to auto on the patches you want to be automatically patched on phone every re-boot.
hacking complete ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Now install any unsigned application on your mobile.
Thank you Everybody. If you can not apply rom patcher, if show Red Cross. Then go symbian hack step 3 and download installserver pack and copy your hand set completable version installserver.exe file on memory card . And open Xplore Application , press 0 button >> tic / fill up first 4 check box, then back, select your installserver.exe file copy and past c:/sys/bin (possible only if Open4All patch is enabled)